Mini Goals round two

Good morning!

I enjoyed making mini-goals for last week so much that I decided to do it again this week. This is probably because I am a nerd and like things like lists and being able to cross things off them, just makes me feel so accomplished.

Last week I did okay. I drunk more water up until the weekend when I went away and didn’t always have a full water bottle with me, same with eating more protein. When I was home it was fine but going away to the beach meant I ate out a lot and didn’t have much protein with my meals or snacks. But I guess that;s what happens on vacation.

Other then that I was happy with myself. I did more yoga, only bought one coffee during the week, and definitely relaxed more!



This week my goals are…

– Change up my workouts. No more 6 week 6pack and 30 day shred, they aren’t challenging me anymore and can’t be having much of an effect on my muscles. I downloaded pure barre and am scared/excited to get that going.

– Keep track of my money. I need to stop spending a few bucks here and there!

– Make protein and water my best friends!

and of course, relax and stress less. That is always a goal of mine.


Here’s hoping for a good week, what are your goals?